Six-Months Theatre Creation Course
The Six-Month Theatre Creation Course is an immersive theatre-making laboratory where students pitch a project as part of their admission proposal to develop a theatre performance. The course is designed to be an incubator for new theatre work, aimed at the creation, production and performance of a variety of styles, forms and purposes.
Six-Month Theatre Creation Course
Course Information:
Candidates can apply as individuals wanting to create and perform solo or group work or to direct a project. The school privileges applications that include partnerships with other organizations, stakeholders and communities, originality of concept, viability, timeframe, previous theatre experience, relevance and methodology. Please note that completion of the One Year Acting Training Course is a prerequisite for this course. Alternatively, eligibility can be met with an existing bachelor’s degree in performing arts or proven experience in the performing arts industry.
The practical and theoretical approach of this course includes the following aspects:
The role of the theatre performer, creator, director and writer.
Theatre creation methodologies
The aesthetic of theatre: theatre styles and dramatic territories
The investigation of theatre space and relationship with the audience
The use of technology in performance
Directing actors
Theatre production, management and marketing
Hagley Theatre School - Six-Month Theatre Creation Course 2025 Application Form:
The deadline for the application for the Six-Month Theatre Creation Course is open. Candidates must complete the Hagley College online application form and send in a CV and a project proposal. The pre-requisite for this course is completion of the Hagley Theatre School’s One Year Acting Training Course or an equivalent higher education qualification in theatre or proven evidence of previous theatre experience.
Project proposal outline:
Project working title
What: project description (max 500 words)
Who: people involved and their roles + potential partners/organizations
Where: where the project will take place
How: Preferable methodology or theatre style.
When: Timeline and schedule.
Cost: Include a short budget of your project.
Please follow instructions on the Hagley College website, download the application form, save it on your device, fill it in and send it back to: keenonhagley@hagley.school.nz
Additional Documents:
Send CV and project proposal to: Mary.davison@staff.hagley.school.nz
Enrolment Fee: $ 220
Six-Month Theatre Creation Course: $ 1600
Under 19 students: Enrolment fee and donation.
Te Puna Wai o Waipapa—Hagley College subsidizes students under 19 and exempts them from paying course fees. However, HTS suggests that they donate a percentage of the total study cost of their choice to the school.
510 Hagley Avenue, 8011, Ōtautahi Christchurch | New Zealand